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Fakultät Maschinenbau
Research assistant

M. Sc. Henning Lammen

Curriculum Vitae

Professional Experience

since 12/2021 Vice-President of the GAMM Student Chapter at TU Dortmund University
11/2019 - 12/2021 President of the GAMM Student Chapter at TU Dortmund University
since 08/2018 Reasearch Assistant, Institute of Mechanics, TU Dortmund University
02/2016 - 06/2018 Student Assistant, Institute of Mechanics, TU Dortmund University


06/2018 Master of Science Degree (M.Sc.), Thesis Title: "A data-driven algorithm for the simulation of elastic one- and two-dimensional structures"
10/2016 - 06/2018 Studies of Mechanical Engineering (Master), TU Dortmund University

Bacelor of Science Degree (B.Sc.), Thesis Title: "Implementation of hyperelastic finite strain micro-sphere models"

10/2012 - 09/2016 Studies of Mechanical Engineering (Bachelor), TU Dortmund University