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Fakultät Maschinenbau
Research assistant

M. Sc. Markus Schewe


since 04/2017 Research Assistant, Institute of Mechanics, TU Dortmund
03/2017 Master of Science Degree (M.Sc.), Thesis Title: Implementation of the Particle Finite Element Method
10/2014-03/2017 Student Assistant, Institute of Mechanics, TU Dortmund
12/2014 Bachelor of Science Degree (B.Sc.), Thesis Title: Theorie und Finite Element Implementierung thermomechanisch gekoppelter Interface-Elemente
11/2013-02/2014 Internship: Thyssen Krupp Rothe Erde GmbH, Lippstadt. Creation of macros for the generation of condensed stiffness matrices of attached structures.
01/2012-09/2013 Student Assistant, Institute of Mechanics, TU Dortmund


Supervision of student theses

  • Justice Olatunbosun: Particle Finite Element Method based modelling of Laser Cladding Additive Manufacturing, Master thesis MMT, 2024
  • Justice Olatunbosun: Implementation of a Thermo-mechanical Particle FiniteElement Method in C++, Master project thesis MMT, 2024
  • Philipp Scherm: Material modelling and finite element simulation of quenching, Master Thesis, 2023.
  • Alexander Niehüser: Finite Element Simulation of Large Strain Frictional Contact with the Contact Domain Method, Master Thesis, 2020.
  • Alexander Niehüser: Vergleich der Lagrangemultiplikatoren- und Nitsche-Methode zur Lösung von Normalkontaktproblemen mit großen Verformungen mittels Finite-Elemente-Methode, Master Project Thesis, 2020.
  • Pouria Araghchi: Regelmäßige Neuvernetzung als Strategie für Finite-Element-Simulationen bei großen Verformungen in der Festkörpermechanik, Bachelor Thesis, 2020.
  • Nils Zöllner: Viskose Materialmodelle in der Finite-Elemente-Simulation von Schmierstoffen, Bachelor Thesis, 2019.
  • Philipp Linneweber: Finite-Elemente-Implementierung eines Kontaktmodells mit Dreieck-Segmenten, Bachelor Thesis, 2018.
  • Felix Rörentrop: Vergleich analytischer Methoden und der Finite-Elemente-Lösung eines Biegeschwingers, Bachelor Project Thesis, 2018.



  • Modelling and analysis of process-related properties by laser powder cladding of additively manufactured structures (DGF project 504955789), since 06/2023.
  • Cornet P2P - Produce to Performance: Simulation of hardening processes, 09/2022-05/2023.
  • SFB/TR73, TP C7: Mechanism-based Modeling of Wear in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming (Final report open access), 04/2017 - 03/2021.

Research Interests

  • Remeshing and ParticleFEM
  • Simulation of Additive Manufacturing (Direct Energy Deposition-Laser Beam)
  • Material modelling for molten steel and solidification
  • Material modelling for steel quenching
  • Contact Mechanics
  • Element technology
  • Inelastic Material Behaviour



  • GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics (TU Wien), 11.-13.09.2023, Modelling of Interdependencies in Process Chains for cold-worked Steel Components, main author: Tim Furlan.
  • Umformtechnisches Kolloquium Hannover (IFUM, Leibniz Universität Hannover), 05.03.2020, Modellierung von Verschleiss Mikrostrukturierter Oberflächen.
  • GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics (University Stuttgart), 11.-13.10.2017, The Particle Finite Element Method in solid mechanics applications.
  • French-German Summerschool on Evolutionary Solid Bodies (J.F. Ganghoffer, F.J. Barthold), 04.-10.10.2015, Thermomechanically coupled interface elements.



  • GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics (TU Wien), 11.-13.09.2023, Material modelling for efficient finite element simulation of steel quenching.
  • CMM-SolMech 2022 (Swinoujscie), 05.-08.09.2022, The Particle Finite Element Method in solid mechanics – Aspects on contact mechanics and plasticity.
  • GAMM Annual Meeting 2019 (Technical University Vienna), 18.-22.02.2019, Aspects of the Particle Finite Element Method applied to contact problems.
  • GAMM Annual Meeting 2018 (Technical University Munich), 19.-23.03.2018, The Particle Finite Element Method for the modelling and simulation of solid body interac-



  • M. Schewe, A. Menzel, Mechanism-Based Modelling of Wear in Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming. (Merklein M., Tekkaya A.E., Behrens BA. (eds) Sheet Bulk Metal Forming. TCRC73 2020. Lecture Notes in Production Engineering, 2021. Springer, Cham.
  • M.Schewe, H. Wilbuer, A. Menzel, Simulation of wear and effective friction properties of microstructured surfaces (Wear, 2021,, Open Access)
  • M. Schewe, A. Menzel, Aspects of the Particle Finite Element Method applied to contact problems (PAMM Proceedings, 2019,, Open Access)
  • Behrens, B.; Biermann, D.; Tillmann, W.; Krimm, R.; Meijer, A.; Schewe, M.; Stangier, D.; Commichau, O.; Müller, P.; Rosenbusch, D.; Menzel, A.: Untersuchungen strukturierter Werkzeugflächen und der Einfluss auf den Werkzeugverschleiß. In: 4. Industriekolloquium Blechmassivumformung 2019 – DFG Transregio 73, (2019), S. 7-30,
  • M. Schewe, A. Menzel, The Particle Finite Element Method for the modelling and simulation of solid body interac-
    tions (PAMM Proceedings, 2018,