Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Menzel
MB I, Room 103

Curriculum Vitae
since 10/2007 | Professor, Institute of Mechanics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, TU Dortmund University |
since 09/2027 | Professor, Division of Solid Mechanics, Lund University, Sweden |
10/2006-09/2007 | Interim Professor for Solid Mechanics, Institut für Mechanik und Regelungstechnik - Mechatronik, Department Maschinenbau, University of Siegen |
05/2006 | Habilitation (for Mechanics), TU Kaiserslautern |
06/2002-09/2006 | Research Associate, Chair of Applied Mechanics, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, TU Kaiserslautern |
02/2002 | Ph.D. (Dr.-Ing.), TU Kaiserslautern |
10/1997-05/2002 | Research Assistant, Chair of Applied Mechanics, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, TU Kaiserslautern |
06/1997-09/1997 | Research Assistant, Institute of Mechanics and Computational Mechanics, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science, Leibniz University Hannover |
04/1997 | Diploma (Dipl.-Ing.), Leibniz University Hannover |
10/1992-04/1997 |
T. Furlan, M. Schewe, P. Scherm, P. Retz, E. Kozeschnik, and A. Menzel.
Modelling and finite element simulation of martensite and bainite phase transformations during quenching under consideration of carbon repartitioning.
Mech. Mat., 204:105275, 2025.
N. Schmidt, T. Furlan, J. Peters, M. Kipp, S. Kaschnitz-Biegl, A. Menzel, F. Bleicher, and D. Biermann.
Meso-scale geometric modeling of cutting edges on vitrified bonded aluminum oxide grinding wheels for the multi-scale simulation of internal plunge grinding processes.
Proc. CIRP, accepted for publication, 2025.
T. Furlan, J. Stollberg, and A. Menzel.
Paraqus: Exporting Finite Element simulation results from Abaqus to VTK.
J. Open Source Softw., 10(106):5729, 2025.
M. Schewe, I. Noll, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
Towards the simulation of metal deposition with the Particle Finite Element Method and a phase transformation model.
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 437:117730, 2025.
M. Schewe, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
Comparison of elements and state-variable transfer methods for quasi-incompressible material behavior in the Particle Finite Element Method.
Comput. Mech., 75:755-773, 2025.
D. Güzel, T. Kaiser, and A. Menzel.
A computational multscale approach towards the modeling of microstructures with material interfaces in electrical conductors.
Math. Mech. Solids, 30(2):247-266, 2025.
D. Güzel, T. Furlan, T. Kaiser, and A. Menzel.
Neper-Mosaic: Seamless generation of periodic representative volume elements on unit domains.
SoftwareX, 28:101912, 2024.
D. Güzel, T. Kaiser, H. Bishara, G. Dehm, and A. Menzel.
Revisiting Andrews method and grain boundary resistivity from a computational multiscale perspective.
Mech. Mat., 198:105115, 2024.
M. Harnisch, T. Bartel, L. Weyergraf, A. Menzel and B. Schweizer.
Data-driven simulation of functional fatigue in shape memory alloy wires2.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 24:e202400079, 2024.
L. Sobisch, T. Kaiser, and A. Menzel.
A finite element framework for thermo-mechanically coupled gradient-enhanced damage formulations.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 24:e202400030, 2024.
J. Gerlach, R. Schulte, A. Schowtjak, T. Clausmeyer, R. Ostwald, A.E. Tekkaya, and A. Menzel.
Enhancing damage prediction in bulk metal forming through machine learning-assisted parameter identification.
Arch. Appl. Mech, 94:2217-2242, 2024.
I. Noll, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
A thermodynamically consistent phase transformation model for multiphase alloys - application to Ti6Al4V in laser powder bed fusion processes.
Comput. Mech, 74:1319-1338, 2024.
C. Witt, T. Kaiser, and A. Menzel.
An IGA-FEA model for flexoelectricity-induced healing of microcracks in cortical bone.
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 425:116919, 2024.
T. Kaiser, N. von der Höh, and A. Menzel.
Computational multiscale modeling of material interfaces in electrical conductors.
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 186:105601, 2024
L. Sobisch, T. Kaiser, T. Furlan, and A. Menzel.
A user material approach for the solution of multi-field problems in Abaqus: Theoretical foundations, gradient-enhanced damage mechanics and thermo-mechanical coupling.
Finite Elem. Anal. Des., 232:104105, 2024.
M. Böddecker and A. Menzel.
A large strain thermoplasticity model including recovery, recrystallization and grain size effects.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 23(4):e202300282, 2023.
D. Güzel, T. Kaiser, L. Lücker, N. Baak, F. Walther, and A. Menzel.
Characterization of damage by means of electrical measurements: Numerical predictions.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 23(2):e202300013, 2023.
M. Böddecker, M.G.R. Faes, A. Menzel, and M.A. Valdebenito.
Effect of uncertainty of material parameters on stress triaxiality and lode angle in finite elasto-plasticity - a variance-based global sensitivity analysis.
Adv. Ind. Manuf. Eng, 7:100128, 2023.
L. Sprave and A. Menzel.
A large strain anisotropic ductile damage model - Effective driving forces and gradient-enhancement of damage vs. plasticity.
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 416:116284, 2023.
T. Bartel, M. Harnisch B. Schweizer, and A. Menzel.
A data-driven approach for plasticity using history surrogates: Theory and application in the context of truss structures.
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 414:116138, 2023.
doi: 10.1016/j.cma.2023.116138
M. Mucha, L. Rose, B. Wislo, A. Menzel, and J. Pamin.
Experiments and numerical simulations of Lueders bands and Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in alluminum alloy AW5083.
Arch. Mech., 75(3):301-336, 2023.
D. Güzel, T. Kaiser, and A. Menzel.
A thermo-electro-mechanically coupled cohesive zone formulation for predicting interfacial damage.
Euro. J. Mech. A/Solids, 99:104935, 2023.
B. Wcislo, J. Pamin, L. Rose, and A. Menzel.
On spatial vs. referential isotropic Fouriers law in finite deformation thermomechanics.
Eng. Transactions, 71(1):111-140, 2023.
T. Bartel, M. Harnisch, A. Menzel, and B. Schweizer.
Aspects of accuracy and uniqueness of solutions in data-driven mechanics.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 22(1):e202200206, 2023.
T. Furlan, T. Tsagkir Dereli, N. Schmidt, D. Biermann, and A. Menzel.
Application of the coupled Eulerian Lagrangian method to the prediction of single-grain cutting forces in grinding.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 22(1):e202200123, 2023.
C. Witt, T. Kaiser, and A. Menzel.
Modeling and numerical simulation of remodelling processes in cortical bone: An IGA approach to flexoelectricity-induced osteocyte apoptosis and subsequent bone cell diffusion.
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 173:105194, 2023.
I. Noll, L. Koppka, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
A micromechanically motivated multiscale approach for residual distortion in laser powder bed fusion processes.
Additive Manufacturing, 60(Part B):103277, 2022.
R. Schulte, C. Karca, R. Ostwald, and A. Menzel.
Machine learning-assisted parameter identification for constitutive models based on concatenated loading path sequences.
Euro. J. Mech. A/Solids, 98:104854, 2023.
C. Hergl, C. Witt, B. Nsonga, A. Menzel, and G. Scheuermann.
Electromechanical coupling in electroactive polymers - a visual analysis of a third-order tensor field.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 29(12):5357-5371, 2023. supplemental material 10.1109/TVCG.2022.3209328/mm1
T. Kaiser, G. Dehm, C. Kirchlechner, A. Menzel, and H. Bishara.
Probing porosity in metals by electrical conductivity: Nanoscale experiments and multiscale simulations.
Euro. J. Mech. A/Solids, 97:104777, 2023.
A. Menzel and C. Witt.
Extremal states and coupling properties in electroelasticity.
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 380:20210330, 2022.
L. Rose and A. Menzel.
On the determination of thermal boundary conditions for parameter identifications of thermo-mechanically coupled material models.
GAMM-Mitteilungen, 45(3-4), 2022.
A. Schowtjak, R. Schulte, T. Clausmeyer, R. Ostwald, A.E. Tekkaya, and A. Menzel.
ADAPT - a diversely applicable parameter identification tool: overview and full-field application examples.
Int. J. Mech. Sci., 213:106840, 2022.
P. Oppermann, R. Denzer, and A. Menzel.
A thermo-viscoplasticity model for metals over wide temperature ranges - application to case hardening steel.
Comput. Mech, 69:541-563, 2022.
I. Noll, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
On the incorporation of a micromechanical material model into the inherent strain method - application to the modeling of selective laser melting.
GAMM-Mitteilungen, 44(3):e202100015, 2021.
T. Kaiser, M.J. Cordill, C. Kirchlechner, and A. Menzel.
Electrical and mechanical behaviour of metal thin films with deformation-induced cracks predicted by computational homogenization.
Int. J. Fracture, 231:223-242, 2021.
T. Bartel, G.-L. Geuken, and A. Menzel.
A thermodynamically consistent modeling framework for strongly time-dependent bainitic phase transitions.
Int. J. Solids Struct, 232:111172, 2021.
T.T. Dereli, N. Schmidt, T. Furlan, R. Holtermann, D. Biermann, and A. Menzel.
Simulation based prediction of compliance induced shape deviations in Internal Traverse Grinding.
J. Manufact. Mat. Processing, 5(2):60, 2021.
K.A. Meyer and A. Menzel.
A distortional hardening model for finite plasticity.
Int. J. Solids Struct, 232:111055, 2021.
T. Kaiser and A. Menzel.
A finite deformation electro-mechanically coupled computational multiscale formulation for electrical conductors.
Acta Mech, 232:3939-3956, 2021.
T. Kaiser and A. Menzel.
Fundamentals of electro-mechanically coupled cohesive zone formulations for electrical conductors.
Comput. Mech, 68:51-67, 2021.
N. Waschinsky, F.-J. Barthold, and A. Menzel.
Structural optimization of diffusion driven degradation processes.
Struct. Multidisc. Optim, 64:889-903, 2021.
C. Witt, T. Kaiser, and A. Menzel. A
A finite deformation isogeometric finite element approach to fiber-reinforced composites with fiber bending stiffness.
J. Eng. Math, 128:15, 2021.
T. Bartel, B. Kiefer, and A. Menzel.
An energy-relaxation-based framework for the modeling of magnetic shape memory alloys - Simulation of three-dimensional effects under homogeneous loading conditions.
Int. J. Solids Struct, 208-209:221-234, 2021.
T. Kaiser and A. Menzel.
An electrom-mechanically coupled computational multiscale formulation for electrical conductors.
Arch. Appl. Mech. 91:1509-1526, 2021
L. Rose and A. Menzel.
Identification of thermal material parameters for thermomechanically coupled material models.
Meccanica, 56(2):393-416, 2021.
T. Kaiser, S. Forest, and A. Menzel.
A finite element implementation of the stress gradient theory.
Meccanica, 56:1109-1128, 2021.
C. Witt, T. Kaiser, and A. Menzel.
An isogeometric finite element approach to fibrereinforced composites with fiber bending stiffness.
Arch. Appl. Mech. 91:643-672, 2021.
M. Schewe, H. Wilbuer, and A. Menzel.
Simulation of wear and effective friction properties of microstructured surfaces.
Wear, 464-465:203491, 2020.
I. Noll, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
A computational phase transformation model for Selective Laser Melting processes.
Comput. Mech, 66:1321-1342, 2020.
L. Sprave and A. Menzel.
A large strain gradient-enhanced ductile damage model: finite element formulation, experiment and parameter identification.
Acta Mech, 231(12):5159-5192, 2020
R. Schulte, R. Ostwald, and A. Menzel.
Gradient-enhanced modeling of damage for rate-dependent material behavior - a parameter identification framework.
Materials, 13(14):3156, 2020.
R. Penta, H. Dehghani, I. Noll, A. Menzel, and J. Merodio.
The role of microscale solid matrix compressibility on the mechanical behavior of poroelastic materials.
Euro. J. Mech. A/Solids, 83:103996, 2020.
F. Guhr, L. Sprave, F.-J. Barthold, and A. Menzel.
Computational shape optimization for a gradient-enhanced continuum damage model.
Comput. Mech, 65:1105-1124, 2020.
L. Sprave, A. Schowtjak, R. Meya, T. Clausmeyer, A.E. Tekkaya, and A. Menzel.
On mesh dependencies in finite-element-based damage prediction: Application to sheet metal bending.
Prod. Eng, 14:123-134, 2020.
L. Rose and A. Menzel.
Optimization based material parameter identification using full field displacement and temperature measurements.
Mech. Mat, 145:103292, 2020. erratum, 151: 103630, 10.1016/j.mechmat.2020.103630.
T. Kaiser, J. Lu, A. Menzel, and P. Papadopoulos.
A covariant formulation of finite plasticity with plasticity-induced evolution of anisotropy: modeling, algorithmics, simulation, and comparison to experiments.
Int. J. Solids Struct, 185-186:116-142, 2020.
T. Bartel, B. Kiefer, K. Buckmann, and A. Menzel.
An energy-relaxation-based framework for the modeling of magnetic shape memory alloys - simulation of key response features under homogeneous loading conditions.
Int. J. Solids Struct, 182-183:162-178, 2020.
T. Kaiser and A. Menzel.
A dislocation density tensor-based crystal plasticity framework.
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 131:276-302, 2019.
R. Ostwald, E. Kuhl, and A. Menzel.
On the implementation of finite deformation gradient-enhanced damage models.
Comput. Mech, 64(3):847-877, 2019.
T. Bartel, I. Guschke, and A. Menzel.
Towards the simulation of Selective Laser Melting processes via phase transformation models.
Comput. Math Appl, 78(7), 2019.
K. Buckmann, B. Kiefer, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
Simulation of magnetized microstructure evolution based on a micromagnetics-inspired FE-framework: Application to magnetic shape memory behavior.
Arch. Appl. Mech., 89(6):1085-1102, 2019
T. Bartel, R. Schulte, A. Menzel, B. Kiefer, and B. Svendsen.
Investigations on enhanced Fischer-Burmeister NCP functions - application to a rate-dependent model for ferroelectrics.
Arch. Appl. Mech, 89(6):995-1010, 2019.
R. Berthelsen and A. Menzel.
Computational homogenization of thermo-viscoplastic composites: Large strain formulation and weak micro-periodicity.
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 348:575-603, 2019.
T. Kaiser and A. Menzel.
An incompatibility tensor-based gradient plasticity formulation - theory and numerics.
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 345:671-700, 2019.
R. Brighenti, A. Menzel, and F.J. Vernerey.
A physics-based micromechanical modelfor electroactive visco-ealstic polymers
J. Intel. Mat. Sys. Struct, 29(14):2902-2918, 2018.
B. Kiefer, T. Waffenschmidt, L. Sprave, and A. Menzel.
A gradient-enhanced damage model coupled to plasticity - multi-surface formulation and algorithmic concepts.
Int. J. Damage Mechanics, 27(2):253-295, 2018.
B. Wcislo, J. Pamin, K. Kowalczyk-Gajewska, and A. Menzel.
Numerical analysis of ellipticity condition for large strain plasticity.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1922:140008, 2018.
D.J. Hartl, B. Kiefer, R. Schulte, and A. Menzel.
Computationally-efficient modeling of inelastic single crystal responses via anisotropic yield surfaces: applications to shape memory alloys.
Int. J. Solids Struct, 136-137:38-59, 2018.
D.K. Dusthakar, A. Menzel, and B. Svendsen.
Laminate-based modeling of single and polycrystalline ferroelectric materials - application to tetragonal barium titanate.
Mech. Mat., 117:235-254, 2018.
R. Berthelsen, R. Denzer, P. Oppermann, and A. Menzel.
Computational homogenization for thermoviscoplasticity - application to thermally sprayed coatings.
Comput. Mech, 60:739-766, 2017.
T. Asmanoglo and A. Menzel.
A finite deformation continuum modeling framework for curvature effects in fiber-reinforced nanocomposites.
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 107:411-432, 2017.
C. Polindara, T. Waffenschmidt, and A. Menzel.
A computational framework for modeling damage-induced softening in fiber-reinforced materials - Application to balloon angioplasty.
Int. J. Solids Struct, 118-119:235-256, 2017.
T. Asmanoglo and A. Menzel.
Fiber-reinforced composites with fiber-bending stiffness under azimuthal shear - comparison of simulation results with analytical solutions.
Int. J. Non-Linear Mechanics, 91:128-139, 2017.
T. Asmanoglo and A. Menzel.
A multi-field finite element approach for the modeling of fiber-reinforced composites with fiber-bending stiffness.
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 317:1037-1067, 2017.
S. Thylander, A. Menzel, M. Ristinmaa, S. Hall, and J. Engqvist.
Electroviscoelastic response of an acrylic elastomer analyzed by digital image correlation.
Smart Mater. Struct, 26(8):085021, 2017.
S. Thylander, A. Menzel, and M. Ristinmaa.
A non-affine electro-viscoelastic microsphere model for dielectric elastomers: application to VHB 4910 based actuators.
J. Intel. Mat. Sys. Struct, 28(5):627-639, 2017.
T. Bartel, M. Osman, and A. Menzel.
A phenomenological model for the simulation of functional fatigue in shape memory alloy wires.
Meccanica, 52:973-988, 2017.
T. Bartel and A. Menzel.
Modeling and simulation of cyclic thermomechanical behavior of NiTi wires using a weak discontinuity approach.
Int. J. Fracture, 202(2):281-293, 2016. erratum, 202(2): 295, 10.1007/s10704-016-0169-8.
S. Thylander, A. Menzel, and M. Ristinmaa.
Towards control of viscous effects in acrylic-based actuator applications.
Smart Mater. Struct, 25:095034, 2016.
R. Berthelsen, H. Wilbuer, R. Holtermann, and A. Menzel.
Computational modeling of wear - application to structured surfaces of elastoplastic tools.
GAMM-Mitteilungen, 39(2):210-228, 2016.
R. Holtermann, S. Schumann, A. Zabel, D. Biermann, and A. Menzel.
Numerical determination of process values influencing the surface integrity in grinding.
Proc. CIRP, 45:39-42, 2016.
D. Biermann, R. Holtermann, A. Menzel, and S. Schumann.
Modeling and simulation of thermal effects in internal traverse grinding of hardened bearing steel.
CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 65(1):321-324, 2016.
N. Cohen, A. Menzel, and G. deBotton.
Towards a physics-based multiscale modeling of the electro-mechanical coupling in electro-active polymers.
Proc. Roy. Soc. London A, 472:20150462, 2016.
K. Haldar, B. Kiefer, and A. Menzel.
Finite element simulation of rate-dependent magneto-active polymer response.
Smart Mater. Struct, 25:104003, 2016.
C. Polindara, T. Waffenschmidt, and A. Menzel.
Simulation of balloon angioplasty in residually stressed blood vessels - application of a gradient-enhanced continuum damage model.
Biomechanics, 49(12):2341-2348, 2016.
S. Maniprakash, A. Arockiarajan, and A. Menzel.
A multi-surface model for ferroelectric ceramics - application to cyclic electric loading with changing maximum amplitude.
Phil. Mag., 96(13):1263-1284, 2016.
T. Waffenschmidt, M. Cilla, P. Sáez, M.M. Pérez, A. Menzel, and E. Pena.
Towards the modeling of aging and atherosclerosis in arteries using apoe-/- mice aortas.
J. Biomechanics, 49(12):2390-2397, 2016.
S. Maniprakash, R. Jayendiran, A. Menzel, and A. Arockiarajan.
Experimental investigation, modeling and simulation of rate-dependent response of 1-3 ferroelectric composites.
Mech. Mat, 94:91-105, 2016.
R. Berthelsen, D. Tomath, R. Denzer, and A. Menzel.
Finite element simulation of coating-induced heat transfer - application to thermal spraying processes.
Meccanica, 51:291-307, 2016.
E. Bortot, R. Denzer, A. Menzel, and M. Gei.
Analysis of viscoelastic soft dielectric elastomer generators operating in an electrical circuit.
Int. J. Solids Struct, 78-79:205-215, 2016.
R. Holtermann, A. Menzel, S. Schumann, D. Biermann, T. Siebrecht, and P. Kersting.
Modeling and simulation of internal traverse grinding: bridging meso- and macro-scale simulations.
Prod. Eng, 9:451-463, 2015.
V. Schulze, E. Uhlmann, R. Mahnken, A. Menzel, D. Biermann, A. Zabel, P. Bollig, I.M. Ivanov, C. Cheng, R. Holtermann, and T. Bartel.
Evaluation of different approaches for modeling phase transformations in machining simulation.
Prod. Eng, 9:437-449, 2015.
E.A. Peraza Hernandeza, B. Kiefer, D.J. Hartl, A. Menzel, and D.C. Lagoudas.
Analytical investigation of structurally stable configurations in shape memory alloyactuated plates.
Int. J. Solids Struct, 69-70:442-458, 2015.
R. Ostwald, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
An energy-barrier-based computational micro-sphere model for phase-transformations interacting with plasticity.
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 293:232-265, 2015.
C. Valero, E. Javierre, J.M. Garcia-Aznar, M.J. G'omez-Benito, and A. Menzel.
Modeling of anisotropic wound healing.
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 79:80-91, 2015.
S. Schumann, T. Siebrecht, P. Kersting, D. Biermann, R. Holtermann, and A. Menzel.
Determination of the thermal load distribution in internal traverse grinding using a geometric-kinematic simulation.
Proc. CIRP, 31:322-327, 2015.
A. Ask, A. Menzel, and M. Ristinmaa.
Modeling of viscoelastic dielectric elastomers with deformation dependent electric properties.
Proc. IUTAM, 12:134-144, 2015.
D.K. Dusthakar, A. Menzel, and B. Svendsen.
Comparison of phenomenological and laminate-based models for rate-dependent switching in ferroelectric continua.
GAMM Communications, 38(1):147-170, 2015.
T. Bartel, B. Kiefer, K. Buckmann, and A. Menzel.
A kinematically-enhanced relaxation scheme for the modeling of displacive phase transformations.
J. Intel. Mat. Sys. Struct, 26(6):701-717, 2015.
C. Valero, E. Javierre, J.M. Garcia-Aznar, A. Menzel, and M.J. Gómez-Benito.
Challenges in the modeling of wound healing mechanisms in soft biological tissues.
Ann. Biomed. Eng, 43(7):1654-1665, 2015.
J. Kaliappan and A. Menzel.
Modeling of non-linear switching effects in piezoceramics - A three-dimensional polygonal finite element based approach applied to oligo-crystals.
J. Intel. Mat. Sys. Struct, 26(17):2322-2337, 2015.
R. Berthelsen, T. Wiederkehr, R. Denzer, A. Menzel, and H. Müller.
Efficient simulation of nonlinear heat transfer during thermal spraying of complex workpieces.
World J. Mech., 4:289-301, 2014.
R. Berthelsen, T. Wiederkehr, R. Denzer, A. Menzel, and H. Müller.
Efficient simulation of nonlinear heat transfer during thermal spraying of complex workpieces.
World J. Mech., 4:289-301, 2014.
S. Göktepe, A. Menzel, and E. Kuhl.
The generalized Hill model: a kinematic approach towards active muscle contraction.
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 72:20-39, 2014.
R. Denzer and A. Menzel.
Configurational forces for quasi-incompressible large strain electro-viscoelasticity - application to fracture mechanics.
Euro. J. Mech. A/Solids, 48:3-15, 2014.
R. Ostwald, M. Tiffe, T. Bartel, A. Zabel, A. Menzel, and D. Biermann.
Towards the multi-scale simulation of martensitic phase-transformations: an efficient post-processing approach applied to turning processes
J. Mat. Processing Tech, 214(8):1516-1523, 2014.
T. Waffenschmidt, C. Polindara, A. Menzel, and S. Blanco.
A gradient-enhanced large-deformation continuum damage model for fiber-reinforced materials.
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 268:801-842, 2014.
T. Waffenschmidt and A. Menzel.
Extremal states of energy of a double-layered thick-walled tube - application to residually stressed arteries.
J. Mech. Behavior Biomedical Mat, 29:635-654, 2014.
R. Ostwald, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
A Gibbs-energy-barrier-based computational micro-sphere model for the simulation of phase-transformations.
Int. J. Numer. Methods Engng, 97:851-877, 2014.
R. Holtermann, S. Schumann, A. Menzel, and D. Biermann.
Modeling, simulation and experimental investigation of chip formation in internal traverse grinding.
Prod. Eng. Res. Devel., 7(2):251-263, 2013.
A. Ask, R. Denzer, A. Menzel, and M. Ristinmaa.
Inverse-motion-based form finding for quasi-incompressible finite electro-elasticity.
Int. J. Numer. Methods Engng, 94(6):554-572, 2013.
A. Menzel and E. Kuhl.
Frontiers in growth and remodeling.
Mech. Res. Comm. 42:1-14, 2012.
B. Kiefer, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
Implementation of numerical integration schemes for the simulation of magnetic SMA constitutive response.
Smart Mater. Struct, 21(9):094007, 2012.
S. Thylander, A. Menzel, and M. Ristinmaa.
An electromechanically coupled microsphere framework - application to the finite element analysis of electrostrictive polymers.
Smart Mater. Struct, 21(9):094008, 2012.
J. Kaliappan and A. Menzel.
Voronoi-based three-dimensional polygonal finite elements for electromechanical problems.
Comput. Mater. Sci, 64:66-70, 2012.
K. Jayabal and A. Menzel.
Polygonal finite elements for three-dimensional Voronoi-cell-based discretizations.
Euro. J. Comput. Mech, 21(1-2):92-102, 2012.
T. Waffenschmidt and A. Menzel.
Application of an anisotropic growth and remodeling formulation to computational structural design.
Mech. Res. Comm., 42:77-86, 2012.
R. Ostwald, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
Phase-transformations interacting with plasticity - a micro-sphere model applied to TRIP steel.
Comput. Mater. Sci, 64:12-16, 2012.
T. Waffenschmidt, A. Menzel, and E. Kuhl.
Anisotropic density growth of bone - a computational micro-sphere approach.
Int. J. Solids Struct, 49(14):1928-1946, 2012.
A. Ask, A. Menzel, and M. Ristinmaa.
Electrostriction in electro-viscoelastic polymers.
Mech. Mat., 50:9-21, 2012.
A. Ask, A. Menzel, and M. Ristinmaa.
Phenomenological modeling of viscous electrostrictive polymers.
Int. J. Non-Linear Mechanics, 47(2):156-165, 2012.
T. Bartel and A. Menzel.
Partially relaxed energy potentials for the modeling of microstructures - application to shape memory alloys.
GAMM-Mitteilungen, 35(1):57-72, 2012.
D. Biermann, A. Menzel, T. Bartel, F. Höhne, R. Holtermann, R. Ostwald, B. Sieben, M. Tiffe, and A. Zabel.
Experimental and computational investigation of machining processes for functionally graded materials.
Prod. Eng, 19:22-27, 2011.
K. Jayabal and A. Menzel.
Application of the polygonal finite elements to two-dimensional mechanical and electro-mechanically coupled problems.
Comput. Model. Eng. Sci, 73(2):183-207, 2011.
K. Jayabal, A. Menzel, A. Arockiarajan, and S.M. Srinivasan.
Micromechanical modeling of switching phenomena in polycrystalline piezoceramics. Application of a polygonal finite element approach.
Comput. Mech, 48:421-435, 2011.
R. Ostwald, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
A one-dimensional computational model for the interaction of phase-transformations and plasticity.
Int. J. Struct. Changes Solids, 3(1):63-82, 2011.
T. Bartel, A. Menzel, and B. Svendsen.
Thermodynamic and relaxation-based modeling of the interaction between martensitic phase-transformations and plasticity.
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 59(5):1004-1019, 2011.
R. Ostwald, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
A computational micro-sphere model applied to the micromechanical simulation of phase-transformations.
Z. angew. Math. Mech., 90(7-8):605-622, 2010.
A. Ask, A. Menzel, and M. Ristinmaa.
On the modeling of electro-viscoelastic response of electrostrictive polyurethane elastomers.
In IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng, volume 10, page 012101, 2010.
M. Harrysson, M. Ristinmaa, M. Wallin, and A. Menzel.
Framework for deformation induced anisotropy in glassy polymers.
Acta Mech, 211(3-4):195-213, 2010.
A. Menzel and B. Svendsen.
Two configurational approaches on the modeling of continuum dislocation inelasticity.
Int. J. Struct. Changes Solids, 1(1):61-72, 2009.
T. Bartel, A. Menzel, and B. Svendsen.
Enhanced micromechanical modeling of martensitic phase-transitions considering plastic deformations.
EDP Sciences, ESOMAT, 2009.
A. Menzel and T. Waffenschmidt.
A micro-sphere-based remodeling formulation for anisotropic biological tissues.
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 367:3499-3523, 2009.
B. Svendsen, P. Neff, and A. Menzel.
On constitutive and configurational aspects of models for gradient continua with microstructure.
Z. angew. Math. Mech., 89(8):687-697, 2009.
V. Alastrué, M.A. Martinez, A. Menzel, and M. Doblaré
On the use of non-linear transformations for the evaluation of anisotropic rotationally symmetric directional integrals. Application to the stress analysis in fibred soft tissues.
Int. J. Numer. Methods Engng, 79(4):474-504, 2009.
V. Alastrué, M.A. Martínez, M. Doblaré, and A. Menzel.
Anisotropic micro-sphere-based finite elasticity applied to blood vessel modeling.
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 57:178-203, 2009.
J. Utzinger, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Computational modeling of microcracking effects in polycrystalline piezoelectric ceramics.
GAMM-Mitteilungen, 31(2):151-165, 2008.
A. Menzel, J. Utzinger, and A. Arockiarajan.
Nonlinear piezoelectric effects - towards physics-based computational modeling of micro-cracking, fatigue, and switching.
AIP Conf. Proc. 1029(1):209-220, 2008.
J. Utzinger, P. Steinmann, and A. Menzel.
On the simulation of cohesive fatigue effects in grain boundaries of a piezoelectric mesostructure.
Int. J. Solids Struct, 45:4687-4708, 2008.
A. Menzel, M. Harrysson, and M. Ristinmaa.
Towards an orientation-distribution-based multi-scale approach for remodeling biological tissues.
Comput. Meth. Biomech. Biomed. Eng, 11(5):505-524, 2008.
J. Utzinger, A. Menzel, P. Steinmann, and A. Benallal.
Aspects of bifurcation in an isotropic elastic continuum with orthotropic inelastic interface.
Euro. J. Mech. A/Solids, 27(4):532-547, 2008.
A. Menzel, A. Arockiarajan, and S.M. Sivakumar.
Two models to simulate rate-dependent domain switching effects - application to ferroelastic polycrystalline ceramics.
Smart Mater. Struct, 17(1):015026, 2008.
R. Mohr, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Galerkin-based mechanical integrators for finite elastodynamics formulated in principal stretches - pitfalls and remedies.
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 197(49-50):4444-4466, 2008.
A. Arockiarajan, A. Menzel, and W. Seemann.
Constitutive modeling of rate-dependent domain switching effects in ferroelectric materials.
J. Electroceramics, 20:159-165, 2008.
J. Utzinger, M. Bos, M. Floeck, A. Menzel, E. Kuhl, R. Renz, K. Friedrich, A.K. Schlarb, and P. Steinmann.
Computational modeling of thermal impact welded PEEK/steel single lap tensile specimens.
Comput. Mater. Sci, 41:287-296, 2008.
G. Himpel, A. Menzel, E. Kuhl, and P. Steinmann.
Time-dependent fibre reorientation of transversely isotropic continua - Finite element formulation and consistent linearization.
Int. J. Numer. Methods Engng, 73(10):1413-1433, 2008.
R. Mohr, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
A consistent time FE-method for large strain elasto-plasto-dynamics.
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 197(33-40):3024-3044, 2008.
B. Kleuter, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Generalized parameter identification for finite viscoelasticity.
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 196:3315-3334, 2007.
A. Arockiarajan and A. Menzel.
On the modeling of rate-dependent domain switching in piezoelectric materials under superimposed stresses.
Comput. Model. Eng. Sci, 10(1):55-72, 2007.
A. Menzel and P. Steinmann.
On configurational forces in multiplicative elastoplasticity.
Int. J. Solids Struct, 44(13):4442-4471, 2007.
A. Arockiarajan, A. Menzel, B. Delibas, and W. Seemann.
Micromechanical modeling of switching effects in piezoelectric materials - a robust coupled finite element approach.
J. Intel. Mat. Sys. Struct, 18:983-999, 2007.
A. Menzel.
A fiber reorientation model for orthotropic multiplicative growth - Configurational driving stresses, kinematics-based reorientation, and algorithmic aspects.
Biomechan. Model. Mechanobiol, 6(5):303-320, 2007.
E. Kuhl, R. Maas, G. Himpel, and A. Menzel.
Computational modeling of arterial wall growth - Attempts towards a patient specific simulation based on computer tomography.
Biomechan. Model. Mechanobiol, 6(5):321-331, 2007.
P. Herzenstiel, R.C.Y. Ching, S. Ricker, A. Menzel, P. Steinmann, and J.C. Aurich.
Interaction of process and machine during high performance grinding: towards a comprehensive simulation concept.
Int. J. Manufacturing Technology and Management, 12(1-3):155-170, 2007.
A. Arockiarajan, A. Menzel, B. Delibas, and W. Seemann.
Computational modeling of rate-dependent domain switching in piezoelectric materials.
Euro. J. Mech. A/Solids, 25:950-964, 2006.
A. Menzel.
Relations between material, intermediate and spatial generalized strain measures for anisotropic multiplicative inelasticity.
Acta Mech, 182:231-252, 2006.
A. Arockiarajan, B. Delibas, A. Menzel, and W. Seemann.
Studies on rate dependent switching effects of piezoelectric materials using a finite element model.
Comput. Mater. Sci, 37:306-317, 2006.
E. Kuhl, A. Menzel, and K. Garikipati.
On the convexity of transversely isotropic chain network models.
Phil. Mag., 86(21-22):3241-3258, 2006.
M. Ekh and A. Menzel.
Efficient iteration schemes for anisotropic hyperelastoplasticity.
Int. J. Numer. Methods Engng, 66:707-721, 2006
A. Menzel and P. Steinmann.
A note on material forces in finite inelasticity.
Arch. Appl. Mech. 74:800-807, 2005.
G. Johansson, A. Menzel, and K. Runesson.
Modeling of anisotropic inelasticity in pearlitic steel at large strains due to deformation induced substructure evolution.
Euro. J. Mech. A/Solids, 24(6):899-918, 2005.
G. Himpel, E. Kuhl, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Computational modeling of isotropic multiplicative growth.
Comput. Model. Eng. Sci, 8(2):119-134, 2005
A. Menzel.
Modeling of anisotropic growth in biological tissues - A new approach and computational aspects.
Biomechan. Model. Mechanobiol, 3(3):147-171, 2005.
A. Menzel, R. Denzer, and P. Steinmann.
Material forces in computational single-slip crystal-plasticity
Comput. Mater. Sci, 32(3-4):446-454, 2005.
A. Menzel, M. Ekh, K. Runesson, and P. Steinmann.
A framework for multiplicative elastoplasticity with kinematic hardening coupled to anisotropic damage.
Int. J. Plasticity, 21:397-434, 2005.
A. Menzel, R. Denzer, and P. Steinmann.
On the comparison of two approaches to compute material forces for inelastic materials. Application to single-slip crystal-plasticity.
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 193(48-51):5411-5428, 2004.
A. Menzel, P. Betsch, E. Stein, and P. Steinmann.
Concepts of Numerical Finite Rotations.
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E. Kuhl, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Computational modeling of growth - A critical review, a classification of concepts and two new consistent approaches.
Comput. Mech, 32:71-88, 2003.
M. Ekh, A. Menzel, K. Runesson, and P. Steinmann.
Anisotropic damage with the MCR effect coupled to plasticity.
Int. J. Engng. Sci, 41:1535-1551, 2003.
T. Liebe, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Theory and numerics of a thermodynamically consistent framework for geometrically non-linear gradient plasticity.
Int. J. Engng. Sci, 41:1603-1629, 2003.
A. Menzel and P. Steinmann.
Geometrically nonlinear anisotropic inelasticity based on fictitious configurations: Application to the coupling of continuum damage and multiplicative elasto-plasticity.
Int. J. Numer. Methods Engng, 56:2233-2266, 2003.
A. Menzel and P. Steinmann.
On the spatial formulation of anisotropic multiplicative elasto-plasticity.
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 192:3431-3470, 2003.
A. Menzel and P. Steinmann.
A view on anisotropic finite hyper-elasticity.
Euro. J. Mech. A/Solids, 22:71-87, 2003.
A. Menzel, M. Ekh, P. Steinmann, and K. Runesson.
Anisotropic damage coupled to plasticity: Modeling based on the effective configuration concept.
Int. J. Numer. Methods Engng, 54(10):1409-1430, 2002.
A. Menzel and P. Steinmann.
On the theory and computation of anisotropic damage at large strains.
Revue Europ'eenne des 'El'ement Finis, 10(2-4):369-283, 2001.
A. Menzel and P. Steinmann.
On the comparison of two strategies to formulate orthotropic hyperelasticity.
J. Elasticity, 62:171-201, 2001.
A. Menzel and P. Steinmann.
A theoretical and computational setting for anisotropic continuum damage mechanics at large strains.
Int. J. Solids Struct, 38(52):9505-9523, 2001.
A. Menzel and P. Steinmann.
On the continuum formulation of higher gradient plasticity for single and polycrystals.
J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 48(8):1777-1796, 2000.
Erratum 49(5):1179-1180, 2001.
doi:10.1016/S0022-5096(99)00024-1 doi:10.1016/S0022-5096(00)00045-4
P. Betsch, A. Menzel, and E. Stein.
On the parametrization of finite rotations in computational mechanics. A classification of concepts with application to smooth shells.
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg., 155:273-305, 1998.
A. Menzel, P. Betsch, E. Stein, and P. Steinmann.
On the formulation and numerics of the statics and dynamics of shells with finite deformations.
Bauingenieur, 73(6):283-291, 1998
A. Menzel and P. Steinmann.
On the formulation of higher gradient single and polycrystal plasticity.
J. Phys. IV France, 8:239-247, 1998.
M. Schewe and A. Menzel.
Mechanism-based modeling of wear in sheet-bulk metal forming.
In M. Merklein, A.E. Tekkaya, and B.A. Behrens, editors, Sheet Bulk Metal Forming,
Lecture Notes in Production Engineering,
pages 434-457, Springer, 2021.
N. Schmidt, T.T. Dereli, T. Furlan, R. Holtermann, D. Biermann, and A. Menzel.
Towards the prediction of compliance influences on shape deviations in Internal Traverse Grinding.
In B.A. Behrens, A. Brosius, W. Hintze, S. Ihlenfeldt, and J.P. Wulfsberg, editors, WGP 2020: Production at the leading edge of technology,
Lecture Notes in Production Engineering,
pages 304-314, Springer, 2021.
A. Menzel and L. Sprave.
Continuum damage mechanics - modeling and simulation.
In J. Merodio and R. Ogden, editors, Constitutive Modeling of Solid Continua,
volume 262 of Solid Mechanics and Its Applications,
pages 231-256, Springer, 2020.
R. Holtermann, S. Schumann, A. Menzel, and D. Biermann.
Modeling and simulation of internal traverse grinding - from micro-thermo-mechanical mechanisms to process models.
In D. Biermann and F. Hollmann, editors, Thermal Effects in Complex Machining Processes,
Lecture Notes in Production Engineering,
pages 369-403, Springer, 2018.
T. Waffenschmidt, C. Polindara and A. Menzel.
A gradient-enhanced continuum damage model for residually stressed fiber-reinforced materials at finite strains.
In T. Lenarz and P.~Wriggers, editors, Biomedical Technology,
volume 74 of Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics,
pages 19-40, Springer, 2015.
S. Göktepe, A. Menzel, and E. Kuhl.
Micro-structurally based kinematic approaches to electromechanics of the heart.
In G. Holzapfel and E. Kuhl, editors, ComputerModels in Biomechanics: from Nano to Macro,
pages 175–187, Springer, 2013.
A. Menzel, T. Waffenschmidt, and V. Alastrué.
An anisotropic micro-sphere approach applied to the modelling of soft biological tissues.
In G. Kreiss, P. Lötstedt, A. Malqvist, and M. Neytcheva, editors, Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications,
pages 637–644, Springer, 2010.
K. Jayabal, A. Arockiarajan, A. Menzel, and S.M. Sivakumar.
Multi-axial behavior of ferroelectrics with two types of micro-macro mechanical models.
In B. Dattaguru, S. Gopalakrishnan, and V.K. Aatre, editors, Multi–Functional Material Structures and Systems,
volume 19 of IUTAM Bookseries, pages 95–102. Springer, 2009.
A. Menzel and B. Svendsen.
On configurational aspects of finite deformation inelasticity. A variational approach versus the transformation of balance of momentum.
In P. Steinmann, editor, Progress in the Theory and Numerics of Configurational Mechanics,
volume 17 of IUTAM Bookseries, pages 37–46, Springer, 2009.
R. Mohr, S. Uhlar, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Time–FE methods for the nonlinear dynamics of constrained inelastic systems.
In D. Reddy, editor, Theoretical, Modelling and Computational Aspects of Inelastic Media,
volume 11, pages 275–285, Springer, 2008.
E. Kuhl, A. Menzel, K. Garikipati, E.M. Arruda, and K. Grosh.
Modeling and simulation of remodeling in soft biological tissues.
In G.A. Holzapfel and R.W. Ogden, editors, Mechanics of Biological Tissue,
pages 77–89. Springer, 2006.
A. Menzel.
Anisotropic remodelling of biological tissues.
In G.A. Holzapfel and R.W. Ogden, editors, Mechanics of Biological Tissue,
pages 91–104. Springer, 2006.
A. Menzel and P. Steinmann.
Formulation and computation of geometrically nonlinear anisotropic inelasticity.
In C. Miehe, editor, Computational Mechanics of Solid Materials at Large Strains,
volume 108 of Solid Mechanics and its Applications, pages 181–190. IUTAM, Kluwer, 2003.
C. Witt, T. Kaiser, and A. Menzel.
On the incorporation of curvature effects into the isogeometric analysis of fibre-reinforced solids.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 21:e202100185, 2021.
R. Schulte, R. Ostwald, and A. Menzel.
A computational framework for gradient-enhanced damage – implementation and applications.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 20:e202000215, 2021.
N. Waschinsky, F.-J. Barthold, and A. Menzel.
Optimisation of diffusion drivendegradation processes.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 19:e201900182, 2019.
P. Oppermann R. Denzer and A. Menzel.
Finite-strain thermo-viscoplasticity for case-hardening steels over a wide temperature range.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 19:e201900237, 2019.
L. Rose and A. Menzel.
Influence of thermal boundary conditions on the parameter identification in thermodynamics.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 19:e201900170, 2019.
T. Kaiser and A. Menzel.
A framework and finite element formulation for incompatibility tensor-based gradient plasticity.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 19:e201900041, 2019.
I. Guschke, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
A thermomechanical modelling framework for selective laser melting based on phase transformations.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 19:e201900059, 2019.
M. Schewe and A. Menzel.
Aspects of the Particle Finite Element Method applied to contact problems.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 19:e201900403, 2019.
T. Bartel, B. Kiefer, K. Buckmann, and A. Menzel.
A finite-element framework for the modelling and simulation of phase transforming magnetic solids using energy relaxation concepts.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 18:e201800415, 2018.
L. Sprave and A. Menzel.
Gradient-enhanced ductile damage – a finite deformation framework with application to DP800.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 18:e201800232, 2018.
R. Schulte, T. Bartel, A. Menzel, B. Kiefer, and B. Svendsen.
Investigations on different Fischer-Burmeister functions applied to the modelling of ferroelectrics.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 18:e201800331, 2018.
M. Schewe and A. Menzel.
The Particle Finite Element Method for the modelling and simulation of solid body interactions.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 18:e201800110, 2018.
P. Oppermann, R. Denzer, and A. Menzel.
Modelling thermo-viscoplasticity of case-hardening steels over wide temperature ranges.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 18:e201800199, 2018.
T. Kaiser, J. Lu, A. Menzel, and P. Papadopoulos.
On anisotropy evolution in finite strain plasticity.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 18:e201800065, 2018.
F. Guhr, F.-J. Barthold, A. Menzel, L. Sprave, and J. Liedmann.
Sensitivity analysis of a non-local, gradient enhanced damage model.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 18:e201800147, 2018.
L. Sprave and A. Menzel.
A multisurface model for gradient-enhanced damage coupled to finite plasticity.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 17:465–466, 2017.
T. Asmanoglo and A. Menzel.
On the modelling of curvature effects in fibre-reinforced nanocomposites.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 17:387–388, 2017.
P. Oppermann, R. Denzer, and A. Menzel.
On the modelling of thermo-viscoplasticity of case-hardening steels over a wide temperature range.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 17:447–448, 2017.
T. Bartel, B. Kiefer, K. Buckmann, and A. Menzel.
Towards a micromagnetics-inspired framework for the modelling of variant switching in magnetic shape memory alloys.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 17:399–400, 2017.
L. Sprave, B. Kiefer, and A. Menzel.
Computational aspects of transient diffusion-driven swelling.
In Proceedings of 29th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, NSCM29, S1-1-c, 2016.
R. Ostwald, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
A thermodynamically consistent finite strain micro-sphere framework for phase-transformations.
In M. Papadrakakis, V. Papadopoulos, G. Stefanou, and V. Plevris, editors,
European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. ECCOMAS Congress, 2016.
B. Kiefer, T. Waffenschmidt, L. Sprave, and A. Menzel.
A comparison of algorithmic approaches to damage-plasticity modeling in the context of gradient-enhancement.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 16:147–148, 2016.
T. Asmanoglo and A. Menzel.
A coupled finite element approach for the modelling of composites with fibres possessing fibre-bending stiffness.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 16:299–300, 2016.
D.K. Dusthakar, A. Menzel, and B. Svendsen.
A laminate-based framework for switching and microstructure evolution in polycrystalline ferroelectrics.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 16:323–324, 2016.
R. Ostwald, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
Extending a finite strain hyperelastic micro-sphere framework towards phase transformations.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 16:381–382, 2016.
K. Buckmann, B. Kiefer, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
Towards the embedding of relaxation-based magnetostriction models into a micromagnetically-motivated finite element framework.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 16:433–434, 2016.
D.K. Dusthakar, A. Menzel, and B. Svendsen.
A laminate-based modelling approach for rate-dependent switching in ferroelectric materials.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 15:3–6, 2015.
R. Berthelsen, D. Tomath, R. Denzer, and A. Menzel.
Towards a finite element simulation of coating by means of thermal spraying.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 15:277–278, 2015.
K. Buckmann, B. Kiefer, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
Rank-one convexification approach for the modeling of magnetic shape memory response.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 15:311–312, 2015.
M. Osman, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
Numerical modeling of functional fatigue in NiTi wires.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 15:341–342, 2015.
B. Kiefer, K. Haldar, and A. Menzel.
Modeling, simulation and parameter identification for rate-dependent magnetoactive polymer response.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 15:395–396, 2015.
D.K. Dusthakar, T. Bartel, B. Kiefer, A. Menzel, and B. Svendsen.
Rate-dependent laminate-based approach for modelling of ferroelectric single crystals.
In ICCMS 2014, 5th International Congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation,
pages 1324–1336, 2014.
A. Menzel, R. Denzer, A. Ask, and M. Ristinmaa.
On inverse-motion-based from finding and configurational mechanics for electro-active polymers.
In J. Schröder, D.C. Lupascu, M.-A. Keip, and D. Brands, editors,
Proceedings of the Second Seminar on The Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials,
pages 75–78, ISBN-103-9809679-8-0, 2014.
R. Holtermann, S. Schumann, A. Menzel, and D. Biermann.
A hybrid approach to the modelling and simulation of grinding processes.
In E. Onate, J. Oliver, and A. Huerta, editors, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI),
5th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM V), 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD VI),
pages 1932–1937, 2014.
B. Kiefer, K. Buckmann, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
Modeling of single crystal magnetostriction based on numerical energy relaxation techniques.
In Proceedings of ASME 2014 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems,
page V001T03A007, SMASIS2014-7436, 2014.
E. Bortot, R. Denzer, A. Menzel, and M. Gei.
Analysis of a viscous soft dielectric elastomer generator operating in an electrical circuit.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 14(1):511–512, 2014.
T. Waffenschmidt, C. Polindara, and A. Menzel.
A gradient-enhanced continuum damage model for fibre-reinforced materials at finite strains.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 14(1):153–154, 2014.
D.K. Dusthakar, A. Menzel, and B. Svendsen.
Laminate-based modelling of microstructure and switching in ferroelectrics.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 14(1):407–408, 2014.
R. Holtermann, A. Menzel, S. Schumann, and D. Biermann.
A two-scale simulation framework for internal traverse grinding.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 14(1):321–322, 2014.
K. Haldar, B. Kiefer, and A. Menzel.
Modeling and simulation of rate-dependent magneto-active polymers.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 14(1):401–402, 2014.
R. Berthelsen, R. Denzer, and A. Menzel.
Thermo-mechanical homogenisation — application to HVOF thermal-sprayed WC-Co coatings.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 14(1):583–584, 2014.
K. Buckmann, B. Kiefer, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
Modeling of single crystal magnetostriction based on numerical energy relaxation techniques.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 14(1):399–400, 2014.
S. Thylander, A. Menzel, and M. Ristinmaa.
A non-affine micro-sphere formulation for electroactive polymers.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 14(1):581–582, 2014.
K. Haldar, B. Kiefer, and A. Menzel.
Constitutive modeling of magneto-viscous polymers.
In 14th Pan-American Congress of Applied Mechanics, PACAM XIV, 2014.
T. Bartel, K. Buckmann, B. Kiefer, and A. Menzel.
An advanced energy relaxation scheme for the modeling of displacive phase transformations.
In Proceedings of ASME 2013 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems,
page V001T03A013, SMASIS2013-3041, 2013.
D. Hartl, B. Kiefer, and A. Menzel.
Modeling shape memory alloy single crystalline responses using an anisotropic yield surface.
In L. Breese P. Warren, editors,
TMS 2013 Conference Proceedings: Symposium on Physical and Mechanical Metallurgy of Shape Memory Alloys, 2013.
A. Ask, R. Denzer, A. Menzel, and M. Ristinmaa.
Inverse-motion based modeling for electromechanics with application to electrostrictive polyurethane.
In SMASIS 2012 – Proceedings of the ASME 2012 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems,
pages 167–173, SMASIS2012-8049, 2012.
S. Thylander, A. Menzel, and M. Ristinmaa.
A non-affine micro-sphere formulation for electroactive polymers.
In Proceedings of NSCM-25, pages 287–290, 2012.
A. Ask, R. Denzer, A. Menzel, and M. Ristinmaa.
The inverse motion problem for quasi-incompressible electroelasticity.
In Proceedings of NSCM-25, pages 189–192, 2012.
R. Ostwald, T. Bartel, A. Menzel, M. Tiffe, D. Biermann, M. Lebsanft, and B. Scholtes.
Modelling and simulation of phase-transformations and plasticity in steel.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Thermo-Mechanically graded Materials, 2012.
R. Ostwald, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
A multi-scale model for the interaction of phase-transformations and plasticity in polycrystalline solids.
In ECCOMAS, 2012.
R. Ostwald, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
Simulation of phase-transformations based on numerical minimization of intersecting Gibbs energy potentials.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 12(1):277–278, 2012.
R. Holtermann and A. Menzel.
Towards the simulation of internal traverse grinding – from mesoscale modelling to process simulation.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 12(1):287–288, 2012.
T. Waffenschmidt and A. Menzel.
Application of an anisotropic growth formulation to computational structural design.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 12(1):285–286, 2012.
T. Waffenschmidt and A. Menzel.
A micro-sphere-based remodelling formulation for arterial tissue including residual stresses.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 11(1):131–132, 2011.
R. Ostwald, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
Interaction of phase-transformations and plasticity – a multi-phase micro-sphere approach.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 11(1):417–418, 2011.
R. Holtermann, A. Menzel, C. Hortig, and B. Svendsen.
Towards the simulation of grinding processes – a thermoplastic single grain approach.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 11(1):385–386, 2011.
A. Ask, M. Ristinmaa, and A. Menzel.
Electromechanics of polyurethane elastomers.
In Proceedings of NSCM-24, pages 200–203, 2011.
R. Ostwald, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
A micro-sphere approach applied to the simulation of phase transformations interacting with plasticity.
In Proceedings of NSCM-23, pages 157–160, 2010.
J. Kaliappan, A. Menzel, A. Arunachalakasi, and M. Srinivasan.
A micromechanically motivated model for ferroelectrics combined with polygonal finite elements.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 10(1):299–300, 2010.
R. Ostwald, T. Bartel, and A. Menzel.
A micro-sphere approach applied to the modelling of phase-transformations.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 10(1):315–316, 2010.
T. Waffenschmidt and A. Menzel.
On a micro-sphere-based remodelling formulation for orthotropic biological tissue.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 10(1):747–748, 2010.
V. Palnau, C. Hortig, B. Klusemann, T. Bartel, B. Svendsen, and A. Menzel.
Multiscale material modelling.
In 1st International Conference on Product Property Prediction, Dortmund, Germany, 2010.
T. Bartel, A. Menzel, and B. Svendsen.
Enhanced micromechanical modelling of martensitic phase–transitions considering plastic deformations.
In 8th European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations, 03002, 2009.
A. Menzel and T. Waffenschmidt.
Remodelling of anisotropic soft biological tissues. A computational micro–sphere approach.
In E. Oñate and D.R.J. Owen, editors, X International Conference on Computational Plasticity,
CIMNE, Barcelona, 2009.
T. Waffenschmidt and A. Menzel.
A micro-sphere-based remodelling formulation for anisotropic biological tissues.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 9(1):151–152, 2009.
K. Jayabal, A. Menzel, A. Arockiarajan, and Sirinivasan M.S.
Micromechanically motivated finite element model for ferroelectric ceramics.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 9(1):327–328, 2009.
S. Ricker, J. Mergheim, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Continuum–atomistic coupling based on computational homogenization.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 8:10565-10566, 2008.
R. Mohr, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Finite elasto-plasto-dynamics – challenges & solutions.
In H. Hagen, M. Hering-Bertram, and C. Garth, editors, Visualization of Large and Unstructured Data Sets,
volume S–7 of GI–Edition, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), pages 88–102, 2007.
A. Menzel, M. Harrysson, and M. Ristinmaa.
On a computational orientation-distribution-function-based remodelling framework.
In R. Larsson and K. Runesson, editors,
Proceedings of the 20th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, 2007.
S. Ricker, J. Mergheim, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Variational issues in the homogenization of discrete systems.
In A. Ibrahimbegivic, F. Dias, H. Matthies, and P. Wriggers, editors, Multi–scale Computational Methods for Solids and Fluids.
ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, Cachan, France, 2007.
R. Mohr, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Conservation properties of Galerkin–based time–stepping schemes for finite elasto–plasto–dynamics.
In E. Oñate and D.R.J. Owen, editors, IX International Conference on Computational Plasticity.
CIMNE, Barcelona, 2007.
S. Ricker, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Towards the computational homogenization of discrete microstructures.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 7:4080021-4080022, 2007.
J. Utzinger, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Investigation of microcracks in ferroelectric materials by application of a grain–boundary–motivated cohesive law.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 7:4080017-4080018, 2007.
R. Mohr, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Assessment of Galerkin–based time integrators for finite elasto–plasto–dynamics.
In C.L. Botasso, P. Masarati, and L.Trainelli, editors, Multibody Dynamics 2007.
ECCOMAS Thematic Conference, Milano, Italy, 2007.
A. Menzel, A. Arockiarajan, and S.M. Sivakumar.
On the modelling of domain switching in ferroelastic materials.
In J. Schröder, D. Lupascu, and D. Balzani, editors,
Proceedings of the first Seminar on The Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials,
pages 95–98. Institut für Mechanik, Universität Duisburg–Essen, Bericht Nr. 5, 2007.
R. Mohr, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Conservation properties of Galerkin–based time integrators for geometrically nonlinear elasto–plasto–dynamics.
In IMPLAST 2007, Symposium on Plasticity and Impact Mechanics, 2007.
A. Menzel, A. Arockiarajan, and S.M. Sivakumar.
Studies on time–dependent ferroelastic domain switching effects of PZT ceramics.
In M.J. Dapino, editor, Proceedings of SPIE, Behaviour and Mechanics of Multifunctional and Composite Materials 2007,
volume 6526, pages 6526OI–1 – 6526OI–9, 6526–16, 2007.
R. Mohr, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Galerkin–based time integrators for geometrically nonlinear elasto–plastodynamics – challenges in modeling and visualization.
In H. Hagen, A. Kerren, and P. Dannenmann, editors, Visualization of Large and Unstructured Data Sets,
volume S–4 of GI–Edition, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), pages 185–194, 2006.
R. Mohr, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Galerkin–based time integration for finite plastodynamics.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 6:827–828, 2006.
S. Ricker, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Existence of solutions to the linearized spinning wheel problem.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 6:653–654, 2006.
G. Himpel, A. Menzel, E. Kuhl, and P. Steinmann.
Theory and implementation of time–dependent fibre reorientation in transversely isotropic materials.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 6:131–132, 2006.
J. Utzinger, A. Menzel, E. Kuhl, and P. Steinmann.
Simulation of thermal impact welded lightweight structures.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 6:201–202, 2006.
A. Menzel.
Adaptation of biological tissues – a fibre reorientation model for orthotropic multiplicative growth.
In C.A. Mota Soares et al., editor, III European Conference on Computational Mechanics, 2006.
A. Arockiarajan, B. Delibas, A. Menzel, and W. Seemann.
Studies on nonlinear electromechanical behavior of piezoelectric materials using finite element modeling.
In J. Wallaschek, T. Hemsel, and M. Mracek, editors, Piezoelektric Materials and Actuators,
volume 180, HNI–Verlagsschriftenreihe, Heinz Nixdorf Institut, 2006.
A. Menzel and P. Steinmann.
Configurational forces in multiplicative elasto-plasticity.
In D.R.J. Owen, E. Oñate, and B. Suárez, editors, Computational Plasticity 8, Fundamentals and Applications,
pages 739–742, Barcelona, CIMNE, 2005.
J. Utzinger, A. Menzel, E. Kuhl, and P. Steinmann.
On well posedness in continuum interface problems.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 5:369–370, 2005.
G. Himpel, E. Kuhl, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Modelling of mass changes in anisotropic materials.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 5:299–300, 2005.
A. Arockiarajan, B. Delibas, A. Menzel, and W. Seemann.
A finite element modeling of piezoelectric materials with a superimposed stress.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 5:285–286, 2005.
A. Arockiarajan, B. Delibas, A. Menzel, and W. Seemann.
Finite element modeling of piezoelectric materials under electromechanical loading.
In Proc. 46th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, AIAA 2005–1909, 2005.
A. Arockiarajan, B. Delibas, A. Menzel, and W. Seemann.
Study the behavior of piezoelectric materials under electromechanical loading.
In Proc. International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics, ICTACEM 2004, 2004.
A. Arockiarajan, B. Delibas, A. Menzel, and W. Seemann.
Nonlinear simulation of piezoceramic materials by micromechanical approach with probability function.
In Proc. 3rd International Conference on Computational Modeling and Simulation of Materials, 3ICCMSM, 2004.
G. Himpel, E. Kuhl, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Theory and implementation of orthotropic materials in growing continua.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 4:320–321, 2004.
E. Kuhl, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
An open system approach towards the simulation of chemomechanically induced concrete failure.
In V.C. Li, C.K.Y. Leung, K.J. Willam, and S.L. Billington, editors, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, pages 547–554, 2004.
T. Abdi, R. Sunyk, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
On the coupling of continuum atomistics and finite elements.
Proceedings of Luxfem – 1st International Conference on Finite Elements for Process, Luxembourg, 2003.
T. Abdi, R. Sunyk, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Analysis of coupled finite element and atomistic model.
Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 3:240-241, 2003.
A. Menzel, I. Carol, and P. Steinmann.
A framework for (visco)plasticity coupled to anisotropic damage.
In D.R.J. Owen, E. Oñate, and B. Suárez, editors, Computational Plasticity 7, Fundamentals and Applications, Barcelona, 2003. CIMNE.
E. Kuhl, A. Menzel, and P. Steinmann.
Computational modeling of biological growth phenomena.
In D.R.J. Owen, E. Oñate, and B. Suárez, editors, Computational Plasticity 7, Fundamentals and Applications, Barcelona, 2003. CIMNE.
M. Ekh, A. Menzel, and K. Runesson.
A framework for hyperelasto-plasticity with kinematic hardening and anisotropic damage.
In E. Lund, N. Olhoff, and J. Stegmann, editors, Proceedings of the 15th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, Aalborg, pages 75–77, 2002.
A. Menzel and P. Steinmann.
A theoretical and computational framework for anisotropic inelasticity.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computational Mechanics. ECCM, Cracow, 2001.
A. Menzel, M. Ekh, P. Steinmann, and K. Runesson.
Large strain plasticity coupled to anisotropic damage based on the fictitious configuration concept.
Proceedings of the 4th International ESAFORM Conference on Metal Forming,Liège, pages 245-248, 2001.
A. Menzel, P. Steinmann, and I. Carol.
A geometrically nonlinear framework for continnuum damage mechanics.
Proceedings of ECCOMAS’00, Barcelona, 2000.
A. Menzel and P. Steinmann.
A theoretical and computational setting for geometrically nonlinear damage mechanics.
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computational Mechanics, ECCM, Munic, No. 329, 1999.
A. Menzel and P. Steinmann.
Aspects of the motivation and the formulation of higher gradient plasticity for single and polycrystals.
Proceedings of EUROMECH Colloquium 378 in Muhlhouse, pages 165-170, 1998.
T.T. Dereli, D. Biermann, A. Menzel, N. Schmidt, T. Furlan, and R. Holtermann.
Process optimization for internal cylindrical peel grinding.
VDI-Z Integrated Production, 162(3):25-27, 2020.
S. Schumann, E. Würz, D. Biermann, R. Holtermann, and A. Menzel.
Controlling heat input during high-performance internal cylindrical grinding - Determination of thermal workpiece loads using FEM.
VDI-Z Integrated Production, 154 (special I):31-33, 2012.
R. Holtermann, S. Schumann, A. Menzel, and D. Biermann.
Approaches to modeling and simulation of internal cylindrical grinding.
Diamond Business, 40(1):30-41, 2012.
V. Alastrué, M.A. Martinez, M. Doblaré, and A. Menzel.
Blood vessel wall modeling. A micro-mechanical elasticity approach.
GACM report, 5:35-39, 2008.
A. Menzel and P. Steinmann.
On the motivation and formulation of polycrystal plasticity of the higher gradient type.
In R. Mahnken, editor, Theoretische und numerische Methoden in der angewandten Mechanik mit Praxisbeispielen,
Forschungs- und Seminarberichte aus dem Bereich der Mechanik der Universität Hannover,
Bericht-Nr. F 98/4, papes 73-80, 1998.
A. Menzel.
Frontiers in Inelastic Continuum Mechanics.
Habilitation thesis, Chair of Applied Mechanics, TU Kaiserslautern, 2007.
A. Menzel.
Modelling and Computation of Geometrically Nonlinear Anisotropic Inelasticity.
Doctoral thesis, Chair of Applied Mechanics, TU Kaiserslautern, 2002.