M.Sc. Alexander Niehüser
MBI, Raum 123

Curriculum Vitae
Entwicklung von gradientenerweiterten Schädigungs- und Kristallplastizitätsmodellen auf der Mikroskala im Rahmen des SFB/TRR188, Projekt C04.
- Gradientenerweiterte Kristallplastizität
- Schädigungsmodellierung
- Numerik
A. Niehüser, J. Mosler:
Numerically efficient and robust interior-point algorithm for finite strain rate-independent crystal plasticity
Computer Methodes in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 419, 116392, 2023,
DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2023.116392.
A. Niehüser, J. Mosler:
Microscale modeling of damage mechanisms in dual-phase steel DP800,
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, e202400012, 2024,
DOI: 10.1002/pamm.202400012, open access.
J-P. Disselkamp, P. Junglas, A. Niehüser, P. Schönfelder:
A Solution to ARGESIM Benchmark C21 ’State Events and Structural-dynamic Systems‘ based on Modelica Components,
SNE Simulation Notes Europe SNE, 28/2, 39-48, 2018,
DOI: 10.11128/sne.28.2.1041.
J-P. Disselkamp, P. Junglas, A. Niehüser, P. Schönfelder:
Implementing the Argesim C21 benchmark with Modelica components,
ASIM 2018 Workshop der ASIM/GI-Fachgruppen STS/GMMS, Heilbronn, 197-202, 2018. PDF
A. Niehüser, J. Mosler:
Efficient algorithms for crystal plasticity theory based on augmented Lagrangians
24th GAMM Seminar on Microstructures 2025, Berlin, 30.-31.01.2025.
A. Niehüser, J. Mosler:
Microscale Modeling of Damage Mechanisms in Dual-Phase Steels
43rd Solid Mechanics Conference - SolMech 2024, Wroclaw, 16.-19.09.2024.
A. Niehüser, J. Mosler:
Microscale Modeling of Damage Mechanisms in Dual-Phase Steel DP800
GAMM 94th annual meeting, Magdeburg, 18.03-22.03.2024.
A. Niehüser, J. Mosler:
Finite strain rate-independent single crystal plasticity algorithm based on interior-point methods
17. COMPLAS, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, 05.-07.09.2023.
A. Niehüser, J. Mosler:
On the numerical efficiency and robustness of interior-point algorithms for finite strain rate-independent single crystal plasticity
GAMM 93rd annual meeting, TU Dresden, 30.05.-02.06.2023.
A. Niehüser:
Mikromechanische Modellierung von Schädigung in Polykristallen mittels
erweiterter Kristallplastizität
4. Doktorandenseminar, TRR188, 02.05.2023.
A. Niehüser, J. Mosler:
Algorithm based on interior-point methods suitable for finite strain rate-independent crystal plasticity
GAMM 92nd annual meeting, RWTH Aachen, 15.-19.08.2022.